Implement perfect typing effect in React with Geul.js!#

Geul.js is a library designed to easily implement the typing effect of Korean characters, where characters are decomposed into initial, medial, and final consonants as they are typed and then combined.

const Page = () => {
const { geul, run, reset } = useGeul("안녕하세요", {
initial: "",
speed: 50,
useEffect(() => {
}, []);
return (
Main Image

Install Geul.js for React#

Install via Package Manager

npm i @d0t/react-geul


You can use Geul.js by import @d0t/react-geul package and just simply call hooks. @d0t/react-geul provides three types of hooks.

Geul.js for other frameworks (eg. Vue.js, Svelte)#

Geul.js have plan to support Vue.js and Svelde, and other frameworks, but not in the process of developing it yet. I will work on it quickly and release it soon.